Conducting Research

Good quality research within Broken Bay systemic schools is encouraged where new insights and knowledge are generated to enrich the education profession.

Research applications are assessed for the quality of the research and its relevance to strategic priorities within Broken Bay. Research applicants are required to submit a project proposal application form to the Governance, Legal and Risk Workstream before undertaking any research in diocesan system schools.

For further information please refer to the ‘Conducting Research in 91Ö±²¥ Schools Broken Bay – Guidelines for Applicants or Email a member of our team.

The following research projects are a sample of the kinds of research that have been conducted recently in Broken Bay systemic schools:

  • Longitudinal Study of Australian Students with Autism (LASA)
  • Twice Exceptional Learners: What do teachers know and understand about them?
  • Children’s Understanding of Number Lines
  • Using Picture Directions to Support Academic Task Completion for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • What impact, if any, does facilitating Circle Time have on teachers’ perceptions of teacher-student relationships?
Conducting Research in 91Ö±²¥ Schools Broken Bay - Guidelines for Applicants
Research Application Form 2023
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy - Working with Children Check